© The London Youlan Qin Society 2003-2010

Meeting 13 November 2021


This, the 115th meeting of the London Youlan Qin Society, was held online using Zoom. It was the tenth time our society has held a yaji meeting online, and it enabled qin friends around the world to join our meeting.

The meeting began at 1 pm UK time and ended at approximately 3:30 pm. Cheng Yu introduced the yaji and welcomed everybody.


  1. Welcome Speech 欢迎词 – Cheng Yu 程玉 (President of LYQS)
  2. Wu Ye Wu Qiu Feng 梧叶舞秋风 (Parasol Leaves Dancing in the Autumn Breeze) – Elaine Yu
  3. Xian Weng Cao 仙翁操 (The Old Toper) – Liu Qingmei
  4. Jiu Kuang 酒狂 (Drunken Ecstasy) – Jack Tian
  5. Liu Shui 流水 (Flowing Water) – Esmeralda Herrero (Ireland)
  6. Chang An 常安 (Ever Peaceful) (own composition) – Tony Wheeler (Australia)
  7. Feng Qiu Huang 凤求凰 (The Phoenix Seeks His Mate) – Charlie Thomas
  8. Chun Xiao Yin 春晓吟 (Spring Dawn at the Jade Tower) (combined version from Xilutang Qintong 《西麓堂琴统》book 6 (1525) and Ziyuan Tang Qinpu《自远堂琴谱》(1802)) – André Ribeiro (Brazil)
  9. You Lan Cao 幽兰操》唐·韩愈 (Song of the Orchid) (theme song from the film 孔子 (Confucius)) – Zeng Yi
  10. Dongting Qiu Si 洞庭秋思 Autumn thoughts at Dongting Lake (based on Songxian Guan Qinpu《松 弦管琴谱》(1614) and Qinshu Daquan《琴书大全》1590 -) – Cheng Yu
  11. Reliquary on Themes of Eric Lewis (own composition) – Stephen Dydo (USA)
  12. Yu Qiao Wen Da 渔樵问答 (Dialogue of the Fisherman and the Woodcutter) (Tianwen Ge Qinpu 天聞閣琴譜) – Charles Tsua
  13. Songbie 送别 (Farewell) (John P. Ordway, arr. by Cheng Yu) – Azalea Lei Qin
  14. Puan Zhou 普庵咒 (Mantra of Puan) – Marnix Wells
  15. Gu Guan Yu Shen 孤馆遇神 (Meeting Ghosts in a Deserted House) – Julian Joseph
  16. Li Sao 离骚 (Encountering Sorrow) – Jenny Zhao
  17. Interaction with Zoom audience 琴友观众互动