© The London Youlan Qin Society 2003-2010

Meeting 22 June, 2012


This, the 59th meeting of the London Youlan Qin Society, was held in the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. It was a part of the Guqin Summer School, and we were honoured and delighted to be joined by Professor Zeng Chengwei and his son Zeng He.


The following music was played:

  1. Kongzi Du Yi 孔子读易 (Confucius Reading the Book of Changes), played by Lijiang Tang
  2. Jiu Kuang 酒狂 (The Drunkard), played by Zeng He
  3. Loulan San 楼兰散 (Song of Loulan), played by Zeng He
  4. Cangjiang Ye Yu 沧江夜雨 (Night Rain on the Azure River), played by Charles Tsua
  5. Meihua San Nong 梅花三弄 (Three Variations on the Plum Blossom), played by Jiang Cheng
  6. Ao Ai 欸乃 (The Boatmen's Song), played by Zeng Chengwei
  7. Pei Lan 佩兰 (Admiring the Orchids), played by Julian Joseph
  8. Tao Yuan 桃园 (The Peach Garden), played by Brian Cox
  9. Xiang Fei Yuan 湘妃怨 (Lament of Concubine Xiang), played by Wang Yichuan
  10. Zui Weng Yin 醉翁引 (The Drunken Old Man), played by Marnix Wells

The London Youlan Qin Society would like to thank the Department of Music at SOAS for allowing us to hold our meeting there.