Yaji 7th December 2003

This, the 5th yaji of the London Youlan Qin Society, was our end of year gathering for 2003.


Sarah Moyse's house, London TW1.


  1. Cheng Yu - played Guanshan Yue and Changmen Yuan
  2. Feifei Hwu - played Changmen Yuan, Jiu Kuang and Guanshan Yue
  3. Dan Nung Ing - played Dongting Qiu Si and Qiu Feng Ci
  4. Julian Joseph - played Dongting Qiu Si and Guangling San Xin Pu
  5. Yoshiko Joseph
  6. Sarah Moyse
  7. Marnix Wells - played Gui Qu Lai Ci, Guanshan Yue and Zuiweng Yin

Cheng Yu told us about her recent trip to Beijing. She attended a meeting of the Beijing Guqin Yanjiu Hui in October. She observed that an increasing number of children are learning the qin now, and reaching quite a high standard. One nine year old girl at the meeting played Changmen Yuan remarkably well. This is a very encouraging development, and must surely bode well for the future of the qin.

Cheng Yu had a London Youlan Qin Society seal made while she was in Beijing. It shows 6 characters for London Youlan Qinshe:


Copyright the London Youlan Qin Society, December, 2003. All rights reserved.